Monday, July 4, 2011

Tech Universe in HK Science Park

On June 14, 2011, we went to the Tech Universe in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks for the first BA (language studies) summer camp outing.  I always pass by this place on the KCR because it's between Tai Po Market Station and University Station, so I was really looking forward to visiting.  Here is what it looks like from inside one of the buildings:
The whole facility is 225 000 square meters or something.  Had to check that stat because I obviously wasn't paying attention to the corporate video they showed us at the time.  It was propaganda overload for the full duration.  Here is the link:  You have been warned.  I am still unsure of what this facility does..  something about providing scientists with the technology, facility, and space to create new entrepreneurial inventions, so they can sell it and somehow support Hong Kong's development into a technological hub of the world and global prosperity?  Their overuse of buzz words actually confused all of our staffs and students.  Terms are always used too vaguely.  Needless to say, the visit was a disappointment... Our students were so upset they complained to the camp administrators. 

I personally thought the two showroom were quite nice, but our students thought the toys innovations were too childish for university students to play with for 2 hours.  Anyway, below are some of the highlights of the Innonest and Funnest.

Concentration... Are you ready?  If so, let's go!  Zero zero one one, one one zero zero....
Description: Here is a machine that can measure your level of concentration.  You have to wear this headphone-looking headgear and somehow it measures your brainwaves.  When you concetrate hard enough, a dynamite on the screen in front of you will blow up.  The one who makes the dynamite blow up the fastest wins. 

Review:  It doesn't work on everyone.  It didn't work when I put it on.  Does that mean I have no brain... :(  I was seriously concerned for a while there.  The people who could be measured did not exactly know when they are concentrating and when they are not.  Results seem to be random, since nobody was there to explain the science behind the machine.  Some students said it seems to measure brain activity, not concentration.  Not sure how someone can use this in a real life scenario though.  Can you imagine "measuring" some kid's "level of concentration" as a substitute for an exam?
Musical Cubes
Description:  Musical Cubes!  Get the cubes from the white box and place them (strategically or not) on a square on the floor.  A sound will begin to play and loop unti you take the box off the square carpet. 

Review: Awesome fun!! Now even your toddler can be a professional DJ / mixer.  (S)he just has to be able to lift those cubes up.  They are pretty heavy.  This is great for people who just like to chill and sprawl out with some drinks.  Turn the sound level up to dance.  Start kicking blocks if you're throwing a wild party.  You can even sit on the blocks.  I see endless possibilities for this and I'd actually install it in my home if it was available.
"Sustainable" dance floor (?)
Description:  "Sustainable" dance floor.  There's this bar beside it that lights up if you jump on the dance floor long enough.

Review: I'm not really sure how it works, and whether I was doing it right or not.  The bar lit up at random intervals.
3D Image Decoder
Description:  There are boards with these black and white patterns.  The screen in front of the students (not captured in this picture) reflects your image and shows you a 3D image on top of the card.  It's like watching a horror movie when you see a vampire in the mirror but nothing beside you.

Review:  Pretty interesting, but loses its appeal after 3 seconds beacuse our IPhones can already scan codes and download something instantaeously.  Showing it 3D is just half a notch up from our existing technology.

Go again?Yes, to visit the WHOLE park, not just the Innonest and Funnest.  I wish they showed us how they created "innovative designs and technology."  That would be more educational and engaging for both students and staff.


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